Blogtober #31: Blogtobereflections.

The final day of our little Blogtober 2020 that could. Some thoughts: 1. I gained some new followers to This Square Peg during Blogtober. That’s incredibly awesome. Thank you for joining this ‘lil corner of the interwebs. 2. Blogging regularly is doable. Back in the day, I felt like I had to log onto my …

Blogtober #30: More Of You.

Ever hear a song that just gives you that Friday feeling? Lovely melody, lyrics, catchy rhythm, and a voice that is just divine? Here’s Emeli Sande’s new single. I. Adore. Emeli. Download it like I just did and play it this fine Friday, won’t you?

Blogtober #27: It looks photoshopped.

But it’s not. A friend humorously made that statement when I shared the following photo four years ago. A crêpe, an Eiffel, and that moon. Looks altered to me, too. But it was blissfully real and certainly one of the best trips I’ve ever experienced. Bon Tuesday.

Blogtober #25: The Essentials.

I went to the park yesterday. My essentials: • Mask 😷 • Sunnies 😎 • Lipstick that means nothing underneath the mask but essential for selfies 💄💋 • A sweater for the delightfully mid-50s autumnal day 🍂🍁 Hope your weekend was bon. Onwards...